Textbook Bureau To Publish UG Books

For the first time, the Odisha State Bureau of Textbook Preparation and Production will publish textbooks for undergraduate students of the state. The bureau had been earlier publishing textbooks for Plus-II students and referral books on a wide range of subjects, spanning from history to culture and beyond. Textbook bureau director Siddhartha Dhal said that the state government arrived at this decision after the implementation of uniform syllabus for undergraduate courses across the state.

Earlier, every university had its own syllabus for undergraduate courses. The institutions had no common books for the students. “But the scenario has changed after the state government came up with a uniform syllabus for Plus III students. Now we can publish a book for a subject following the syllabus and it will be helpful for students across the state”, said Dhal.

He also added that the books are designed to immensely benefit the students. They need not refer to a gamut of books as the comprehensive book will have all points and analysis from different sources. Last year, the bureau had uploaded textbooks of different streams of Plus II on its website. The bureau sells around 17 lakh copies per year and generated an estimated revenue totaling 4.68 crores in 2018-19.

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