Odisha State Bar Council To Aid Needy Lawyers

Odisha State Bar Council has declared that it will provide financial assistance to advocates taking into account the unprecedented situation of the lengthy lockdown. This announcement comes after members of various Bar Associations had appealed for financial assistance highlighting the burden on lawyers due to non-functioning of the Orissa High Court, as well as other subordinate courts.

The resolution passed by the Special Committee of the Bar Council stated that assistance will be provided to advocates having less than 10 years of practice. The decision was taken “in recognition of the fact that many advocates are of limited means and are facing extreme financial hardship on account of the lockdown.”

The allowance will be provided from the Odisha State Bar Council Advocates’ Welfare Corpus Fund upon submission of applications by the lawyers through their respective bar associations. The Special Committee has also appealed to all members having more than 15 years of practice to donate generously to the Bar Council so as to aid the needy advocates.

Meanwhile, the High Court has confirmed that it will consider a plea for grant of ex gratia to lawyers during the lockdown. A decision on the same will be taken on Friday.

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